Finding Balance is an
Injury Prevention Centre program

Be Active

As you age, it is important to be active to improve your strength and balance.

Benefits of physical activity

  • Keeps bones and muscles healthy and strong
  • Improves your balance
  • Keeps your heart and lungs healthy
  • Increases your energy
  • Helps you sleep
  • Reduces your fear of falling
  • Helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Improves memory and attention
  • Improves mood and sense of well-being


  • Try to do 30 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 5 days each week.
    • Moderate intensity: you will sweat and breathe harder
    • Vigorous intensity: you will sweat and be out of breath
  • If you are just getting started, build up slowly and add a few minutes each day
  • Include activities that strengthen both arm and leg muscles
  • For strength, try wall push-ups, stair climbing or exercises with weights or bands.
  • For balance, try standing exercises, Tai Chi
  • For endurance, try walking, gardening, dancing, cross-country skiing, or swimming
  • For flexibility, try stretching, yoga, or Tai Chi



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June 19 is Ageless Motion Day!

Ageless Motion Day helps get and keep seniors engaged in active transportation. Register now to be one of many participants promoting staying active!

Register now:

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