Finding Balance Falls Prevention Webinar Series

November 2021

Presented by:

Webinar 1 - Vision & Eye Health

Title: Staying Independent: What you should know about your vision and eye health.
Date: 4 November, 2021
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Name of Presenters: Dr Tom Wilk

Presentation Summary:

Taking steps early to protect your vision and eye health is important to maintaining your independence. Find out about the everyday things you can do to map the future you want. Join Dr. Tom Wilk as he helps you create a check list of the most important points you want to be sure to include on your list.

Webinar 2 - Medication Use

Title: Medication Decisions that Reduce Risk for Falls
Date: 10 November, 2021
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Name of Presenter(s): Cheryl A. Sadowski, B.Sc.(Pharm), Pharm.D., BCGP, FCSHP, CHE Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta

Presentation Summary:

This webinar will focus on the relationship between falls and medications. Over 30 years of research and over 100 studies have shown us which medications put seniors at risk for falling. These risky over-the-counter and prescription medications will be discussed. The way medications are taken can also impact risk for falls. This webinar will support seniors to identify risky medications and begin discussions with their healthcare professionals to make informed decisions to reduce their risk for falls.

Webinar 3 - In and Around Your Home

Title: Home modifications to support community dwelling older adults with staying independent and preventing falls in both rural and urban settings
Date: 16 November, 2021
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Name of Presenters: Rochelle Walker & Ric Alves

Presentation Summary:

This webinar will focus on home modifications and renovations for individuals and their caregivers in both rural and urban settings. Whether you live in a private residence, senior’s residence, assisted living site or long term care environment, this topic will address optimizing function and safety in a barrier free environment.  From large scope projects to low cost interventions in home design, you will be sure to take away something in terms of fall prevention and aging in place principles.  Planning for aging-in-place home design, renovations or upgrades is a conversation that we can start to have now.  Other topics discussed in this webinar include: the role of the Occupational Therapist, Funding and Community Supports available, equipment and available resources. Let’s start the conversation for you and your loved one’s needs, now and for the future.


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