Finding Balance is a seniors falls prevention initiative developed by the Injury Prevention Centre, University of Alberta.
Email: info@findingbalancealberta.ca
Injury Prevention Centre
2-248 ECHA, 11405 87 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9 Canada
Participants in the program will:
NOT Falling for You:
Classes are:
Participants are:
Classes are:
Class content is:
Class size:
NOT Falling for You classes are friendly and welcoming!
You should wear:
You should bring:
Talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new physical activity.
Give your healthcare provider this description of the class so that they can advise you. There may be a treatment or clinical program that better suits your needs.
Use the Get Active Questionnaire which you can see here. Before starting a session, you will be asked to review and submit a signed copy of the questionnaire. This document will help you assess if you have issues you may wish to discuss with your healthcare provider before starting the classes.
Absolutely, yes!
While a class once a week is a good start, research says that people get the most benefit from working on their balance for 1 hour, 3 times a week. To get additional balance practice here are 2 options:
Leaders are:
If you would like to volunteer as a peer leader, email Injury.PreventionEdmonton@ahs.ca
NOT Falling for You Leader training includes:
The course is based on a program called Zoomers in Balance, the falls prevention program studied by the University of New Brunswick for its effectiveness.
No previous experience leading exercise classes is required.
All you need is the desire to help your peers reduce their risk of falling.
Community organizations that are interested in hosting a NOT Falling for You class can contact the health promotion facilitators at Injury.PreventionEdmonton@ahs.ca. They will work with you to build a program that suits your organization and community.
A partnership of organizations has come together to facilitate the program:
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