Finding Balance is an
Injury Prevention Centre program

Activity Tips & Programming

Activity Programs

Take a look at these other activity and movement programs for ways to be active.

NOT Falling For You

The NOT Falling for You Falls Prevention Program is a community program appropriate for ambulatory  adults 50+years. It is a non-clinical program brought to communities by AHS Health Promotion Facilitators. It is hosted by community organizations such as community leagues, seniors’ associations, or places of worship.

Make Movement Your Mission

These live online movement sessions help people change their movement patterns throughout the day.

The three times per day, 10-minute live Facebook Make Movement your Mission segments can be found here (free to download and print). The Facebook site is here (or search for Make Movement Your Mission) and for those who can't join live or are not on Facebook - they can be viewed afterwards on YouTube.

Later Life Training 'I Can' Calendar

This calendar is designed to help you keep your appointments whilst actively improving your strength, balance, mobility and movement habits along the way. Each month there are one or two movements that will help improve your strength and balance over the next year. To help track your improvements kick off with two simple challenges. It’s important for your motivation that you can feel and measure improvement. View and download the calendar.


Are you at risk of falling? Take our interactive online Risk Self-Assessment Quiz to find out.


Visit our resources catalogue for all of our materials available for both download and to order.


Finding Balance is developed by the Injury Prevention Centre. Find out more about the Centre.


Please review our disclaimer before implementing any of the activities or exercises outlined in our resources.

Online Fitness Videos

This online instructional video series provides guidance on how to be active from home!

Items you will need before you begin: 

  • Water Bottle 
  • Exercise mat or towel for floor exercises 
  • Hand weights (or soup cans, water bottles, or any other household item you can hold) ** optional
  • Chair (no wheels) to use for support, or to perform an exercise sitting down 
  • Shoes - a comfortable, non slip runner

Name of Fitness Class: OTAGO-based Falls Prevention Exercise Program
Instructor: Dr. Tiffany Shubert

Video: 1

Video: 2

Video: 3

Video: 4


Name of Fitness Class: FUNctional Gentle Fit Class
Instructor: Lesley McEwan

FUNctional Gentle Fit Class from Injury Prevention Centre on Vimeo.

Stay tuned for Lesley's next video...  Pilates Fusion for all ages and stages!


Make Movement Your Mission

Bex, from Later Life Training, introduces Make Movement your Mission. Join Bex 3 times a day (8am, 12pm, and 4pm) for 10 minutes live functional movement from Monday 23 March, 2020. These are live on the FB Page until 20 April but will remain on this channel after this.


Diabetes Canada Resistance Exercise Video

Keeping your muscles active and healthy through regular resistance training will greatly improve your management of diabetes. Diabetes Canada recommends resistance exercise 2-3 times a week.

Latest Tweets

In this webinar recording, renowned kinesiology researcher @mackinprof, shares how much (or how little) people have to do to improve their odds of living longer, healthier and better lives #exercise @WoodlandsOnline

Injury Prevention Centre

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