November Falls Prevention Lunch & Learn Series

Please join us for these lunch and learn sessions held during Falls Prevention Month!

Webinar 1:

Date: November 12th, 2020
Time: 12:05 PM -12:50 PM MST
Presentation Title:
Professional Development Opportunities for practitioners working with older adults; a snapshot of new and renewed programs including falls prevention offered through virtual platforms.

Lesley McEwan
Executive Director, Physical Culture Association of Alberta

Lesley is the Executive Director of the Physical Culture Association of Alberta and Safe Healthy Active People Everywhere (SHAPE).  As well, Lesley is the Older Adult Program Coordinator for the Alberta Fitness Leadership Certification Association (AFLCA). Lesley has been a part of older adult physical activity curriculum development, design and delivery for over 30 years. Her primary focus has been on educating practitioners in falls prevention, active travel and physical activity programs for residents in seniors’ housing and within the general community. Lesley is excited to see the new older adult evidence-based programs  in Alberta coming to fruition this year and looks forward to offering these to all practitioners within the older adult community either virtually or face-to-face.  Lesley possesses a life-long passion for creating and delivering on-going professional development opportunities to those leading older adults through healthy, physically active lifestyles! 

Webinar 2:

Date: November 26th, 2020
Time: 12:05 PM -12:50 PM MST
Presentation Title:
Transitioning an In-Person Event to the Online Environment

Lisa Doyle
Health Promotion Facilitator, AHS
Medicine Hat

Lisa Doyle is a Health Promotion Facilitator with Alberta Health Services Population Health Promotion Program in the South Zone. Lisa’s work focuses on injury and disease prevention with some key areas, including youth and childhood injury prevention, fall prevention, tobacco cessation, and health equity. Lisa works closely with community partners and health care providers to promote healthy living while reducing the incidence of injury and disease.

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