Finding Balance is an
Injury Prevention Centre program

Test Page

File Tracking Test

This is a test of a download tracking function.

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To ensure consistency, quality, and accuracy, we ask that all resources be used as-is. Please do not alter or adapt the resources. If you require a unique resource, please contact Finding Balance.


By downloading the following resources, you agree that:
The authors and advisers of the exercises in this program accept no liability. All content is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own health care provider or any other health care professional. Health care professionals using these exercises do so at their own risk. The authors do not know you, your medical conditions or physical fitness and cannot give advice tailored to you, your medical condition or physical function. The authors cannot guarantee the safety or effectiveness of this program of exercises for you. Any noticeable changes in health, pain, mobility or falls should prompt a visit to your health care provider. Always consult your health care provider before starting a new program.

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That's a wrap on Seniors' Falls Prevention Month! Thanks to all our supporters and everyone that participated in the Trek Across Alberta.

As always, you can find fall prevention resource at year-round.

Injury Prevention Centre

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