Falls are the leading cause of injury among seniors, costing Albertans $288 million per year. Research shows that every year 1 out of 3 seniors will fall. So, how can we encourage seniors to talk about their health, and their risk of falling? By getting seniors to ask themselves the right questions.
The Finding Balance Falls Risk Self-Assessment Checklist is an evidence-based and validated screening tool created with input from seniors for use in public health outreach and education. It asks a series of weighted questions, and offers steps seniors can take to lower their risk of falling based on their score. If they score four points, or more, the next step is to talk to their healthcare provider to discuss prevention options.
“The checklist offers a quick way for older adults to improve their knowledge about fall risk and their own risk level for falling” says, Dr. Kathy Belton, Associate Director of the Injury Prevention Centre. “The goal is to reduce the risk by asking the right questions, and taking the right actions, so seniors stay independent and prevent falls.”
Complete the Falls Risk Assessment to find out if you are at risk of a fall.